First "LEARNING FROM HEALTH DATA" school organised

2 novembre 2020 - 6 novembre 2020
18 students enrolled in the EIT HMDA program at the 4 partner universities participated in the "LEARNING FROM HEALTH DATA" school, organised remotely by the European Scientific Institute in Archamps (France) which took place from Nov 2 to Nov 6, 2020.

During the LEARNING FROM HEALTH DATA school students  :

  • followed a series of advanced courses and hands-on activities on advanced data-driven applications in health (machine learning, big data and internet of things) delivered by experts in Health Research and Development from partner universities, hospitals and industries
  • focused on unmet needs in healthcare and potential data-driven solutions
  • became familiar with experienced-based co-design, business creation, health assessment and regulatory affairs
  • developed their problem-solving and creative skills both independently and within a team
  • developed innovative ideas in multidisciplinary teams translating them into prospective business models in compliance with European health regulation
  • pitched their projects to an expert panel
Publié le  4 décembre 2020
Mis à jour le  4 décembre 2020